Hey guys I bought a 6 inch DAS sander from Harbor Freight and I cannot keep the sandpaper disk on the sander. The sandpaper disk are adhesive backed and I make sure they are centered on the pad. But soon as I touch the painted area the disk comes flying off. Am I applying too much pressure when I touch the metal? Or too much of an angle or not enough angle? What am I doing wrong guys.
You know man can live alone, but he cannot live without Peanut Butter and Grape Jelly.
jimmy828 wrote:Sure it 's not hook & loop you need instead of sticky back?
I'm pretty sure it's not. But I will check it out when I get back in town this afternoon and let you know. I will also include a photo of the bottom of the disk as well.
You know man can live alone, but he cannot live without Peanut Butter and Grape Jelly.
jimmy828 wrote:Sure it 's not hook & loop you need instead of sticky back?
I'm pretty sure it's not. But I will check it out when I get back in town this afternoon and let you know. I will also include a photo of the bottom of the disk as well.
I got in too late last night to check out what type pad the sander has on it. I had read the manual again and no where does it tell you what type sandpaper to use. I have attached two photos. one is the sander itself and the other one shows what kind of surface the bottom of the pad has. It kinda looks like a skin pattern on rubber.
68 Ford Stepside says that the sand paper may be old and has lost it stickiness which I have not through about before. I bought the sandpaper at the same time I bought the sander. Well guys tell what you think now that you have some additional information.
You know man can live alone, but he cannot live without Peanut Butter and Grape Jelly.
I work in a cabinet and use DA and eletric orbit sanders. The pads we use have a smooth face for sticky and more of a rough face for hook and loop. I've never seen one like the one you have. I believe i would get another pad .
My car polisher disc looks just like the one you have. I know I'm older & weaker, but it's all I can do to peel off my sticky buffing pads. If i were you i would take the sander to a body shop supply house & let them sell you the proper sticky sanding disc for it.
undertakerman wrote: 68 Ford Stepside says that the sand paper may be old and has lost it stickiness which I have not through about before. I bought the sandpaper at the same time I bought the sander. Well guys tell what you think now that you have some additional information.
First problem you bought HF PSA sandpaper had the very same problem CHEEP CHEEP CHEEP i even went to the extent of using weatherstripping adhesive to make it stay on NO MORE I either buy Norton's or 3M bite the bullet spend a little extra but you will not be chasing the disc across the floor when it comes off and using bad language as you throw the DA down to chase the disc DONE THAT BEEN THERE...
"First problem you bought HF PSA sandpaper had the very same problem CHEEP CHEEP CHEEP i even went to the extent of using weatherstripping adhesive to make it stay on NO MORE I either buy Norton's or 3M bite the bullet spend a little extra but you will not be chasing the disc across the floor when it comes off and using bad language as you throw the DA down to chase the disc DONE THAT BEEN THERE..."