Wiper arm area torn

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Wiper arm area torn

Post by Ferris95 »

Not sure if this is the right forum, but was hoping someone can tell me how to get to the area under the hood lovers by the windshield where the wiper blade arms attach? My carpet has been wet on both sides and I thought it was the old hard windshield seal, so I got the windshield and new rubber gasket. But when I was replacing the cowl lacing, I looked inside the lover area to vacuum out the Cole lacing clips from the old one, and saw a big tear inn the metal where the arm attaches. Below are some pictures. I just need to know how to get this fixed so my interior is leakproof and dry! Thanks!
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Re: Wiper arm area torn

Post by 390FE1972 »

Not sure if this is what you are having an issue with, but the wiper arms have a gasket on the inside of your dash. Both of the wiper arms have this gasket, I believe the original gasket was made from leather. There are three bolts on each wiper arm, you need to be careful when removing the bolts as sometimes they can break off when you try to remove them. To get access to these I would remove my glove box and instrument cluster. Most places like NPD etc. have the replacement gaskets. This is a common area for water to get into the cab. Hope this helps.

Here is the link: https://www.dennis-carpenter.com/trucks ... sket--pair
1972 F250 Sports Custom 390 FE C6 2WD Dana 60 4:10 gears
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