DuckRyder wrote:I've never had much of a problem getting them to replace broken stuff, there was the one incident with the Volkswagen rear brakes, the 6 foot piece of pipe and the (4) 1/2 inch drive ratchets in one day... but...
It seems that most of the Craftsman stuff is made by Danaher who owns MatCo, Allen, KD and GearWrench. I understand that they also make the Kobalt stuff after Lowe's had a big falling out with SnapOn (apparently they wanted the SnapOn logo on Kobalt), Stanley makes the Home Depot Husky brand.
So as I understand it the big 3 are:
Stanley (MAC, Pôrto, Fa Com, SK, Etc.)
Danaher ( MatCo, Allen, KD and GearWrench, Etc.)
SnapOn (SnapOn/Bluepoint)
At least that is what I'm coming up with on the ErrorNet...
The main thing I never liked about Craftsman is the texture on the wrenches makes them hard to clean, the MAC is polished but the edges are sharper, I still like the MAC better than Craftsman's standard line.
Danaher also manufactures the 1st line Napa hand tools. Not bad stuff, but the screwdrivers are junk.
Duck, the texture on the wrenches is why i like my craftsmans'. Much easier to hang onto when the hands are a bit oily.