I realized that Sharkdance got real busy and we never got to have a meet and greet down here in Florida. I have contacted the folks that organize the Webster/Bushnell event that 69Rangerman spoke of here:
It will be a really cool place to hang out for the day. And they will only charge us the $5.00 per person admission fee to bring our trucks into the show grounds. They have also informed me that we can have an area "roped-off" just for the Fordification trucks in the show area. Here's the flyer for the event:
http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff13 ... wflyer.jpg
and the map on how to get there:
http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff13 ... cation.jpg
It's real easy to get to this place from just about anywhere in Florida, (takes me about 2 hours from Bartow). I'll drive up on Saturday and spend the night up there as I don't like the idea of getting up early to make it there, (I've got the name of a little motel about 15 miles down the road that said they could give us a discount if 3 or 4 of us got rooms for the Saturday night before the Sunday show date). I'll also offer to host any Fordification member here at my house in Bartow for that Friday night that wants to follow up to the show the next day.
We could all make Keith proud as the show organizers give a "club participation award" and $25.00 to any club with more than 10 members in attendance! Here's a few pictures I took when there in October:
The entrance to the swap meet.
http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff13 ... CN0657.jpg
Some of the show cars.
http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff13 ... CN0663.jpg
A real nice 78/79 SWB stepside for sale!
http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff13 ... CN0659.jpg
A bunch of folks just hangin out.
http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff13 ... CN0660.jpg
Pretty nice N.C. bump for sale.
http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff13 ... CN0662.jpg
And a pretty cool old Econoline for sale.
http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff13 ... CN0661.jpg
I'll also have a special offer for a Fordification member that can attend this event. Look at this:
http://www.fordification.com/forum/view ... disc+brake
Can anyone hoping to attend this meet and greet please respond to this thread as soon as possible or pm me,(I need to let the event organizers know about how many trucks there will be). Please pm me for more information if you want.
Hope to see a lot of Florida Fordification members there!

And hey..not way to far for some of ya'll up there in Georgia either.