Today - as it was too wet to continue rust-busting and sanding - I decided to do an easy job - fit all the brake parts I have had delivered over the last few weeks.
But as we all know the simplest jobs - become the jobs from H-e-double hockey sticks.
Firstly - Advance had sent me the correct number of parts - but had sent me all left hand parts (2 times) - the right hand ones arrive in the morning

So that was 2 hours out of my life driving to sort that out.
Then i discover that the emergency brake parts are not available from all of the usual suspects.
So Guys (& Gals if there are any reading this) - I need the parts highlighted in red ( 2 sets =L & R) - so I can attach my very expensive emergency Brake cables

- Click to make large please - These are for a 1967 F100 - 2WD - with 11 x 1.75" Rear Drums
email or PM me with the cost + shipping to 24540
You'll be life savers - well'll be doing a Guy a huge favor