poor man's paint job

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poor man's paint job

Post by dolinick »

Hey, I know this has been discussed before but I found an article on instructables.com that you may find interesting. There is a materials list and some pictures as well as a video of the painting technique.


article: http://www.instructables.com/id/The-Poo ... nt-your-c/

another version of the article: http://www.stylusscustoms.com/poorMansPaintJob.html

his trunk lid paint test with pictures: http://www.stylusscustoms.com/trunklidtest.html

video of painting technique: http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v326/ ... 6158-1.flv

another article called "$50 paint job": http://www.rickwrench.com/index79master ... paint.html

2003 7.3L F250
1968 F500 Utility Truck
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