POR-15 vs. Rust Encapsulator vs. JC Whitney's ERF

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POR-15 vs. Rust Encapsulator vs. JC Whitney's ERF

Post by Kraig »

I've read the comparison of Por-15 vs. Eastwood's Rust Encapsulator. I was wondering if anyone has tried Whitney's ERF? (search under rust on their site)? It says it can be used as filler, is sandable, can be used with fiberglass cloth to repair gas tanks etc. It can even be topcoated with any paint unlike Por which requires their special primer. I was just curious if anyone has tried it and if so how did it work?
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re: POR-15 vs. Rust Encapsulator vs. JC Whitney's ERF

Post by DuckRyder »

I have not used anything but POR, however:

I believe you can top coat POR without using Tie Coat primer as long as you put a coat on while the POR is still tacky. Tie Coat is only for dry POR, which is too hard to sand and too smooth for anything to stick to.
1972 F100 Ranger XLT (445/C6/9” 3.50 Truetrac)

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