They suggest adjustable valvetrain simply to cover themselves, because it certainly won’t be the same with a significantly different length lifter. To get the right length and geometry, you either need specific (custom) length pushrods OR adjustable rockers. Even with adjustable rockers, you may not be able to get your factory length pushrods to work.DuckRyder wrote:Let us know how that works, I think its a better choice than a 270H...
Interesting it says it requires adjustable valve train, as I see that as the main benefit of HR vs SR, bolt the rockers down and forget it. Lykins is even cranking out non adjustable roller rockers...
Get an adjustable pushrod measurement tool and you can use your existing rockers. Find the right length with the checker, accounting for preload, and order custom length pushrods with the correct size and style interface at each end (ball/cup).
If you think you will ever go to a roller rocker, I would call Brent and have him hook you up with the non-adjustable rockers as well as the pushrods. His rockers are made by Harland Sharp exclusively for him.
Trend or Smith Bros will ship you what you need and their website will show you how they want you to specifically measure for their system. Some measure actual total length vs. center of ball, etc.