This piece has cables that come out of it almost like speedometer cables. Is that what they are?
Moderators: Ranchero50, DuckRyder
Man, that's not even half of it. The truck is a 75. I already removed the smog pump & thermactor headers. There's also a vacuum reservoir, charcoal canister, a couple vacuum delay switches, 3 or 4 temperature vacuum control switches sticking out of the manifold, and a big plastic vacuum header that sprouts hoses that snake all over the damn place. I'm sure I'm leaving some stuff out. But parts of what's pictured are definitely related to the cruise control.colnago wrote:Good grief! That's horrible! What year do you have? My '67 has vacuum lines to the auto transmission, brake booster, PCV valve, and a single line to the distributor. All I can figure is that your box is for emissions, and driven by the speed of the vehicle. Do you have multiple vacuum lines running to the distributor?
Yes. On my particular truck, the tranny goes to the intake manifold above the runner to #4 cylinder, and the booster goes to a fitting on the base on the rear of the carb.Mechanon wrote:Anyway, the vacuum that goes to your brake booster and trans, those are straight manifold vacuum right?