Miscellaneous musings - Building a Longbed Flareside

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Miscellaneous musings - Building a Longbed Flareside

Post by DuckRyder »

Building a Longbed Flareside (nee “Step Side” to borrow an off brand truck term.)




So, I’m actually old enough to remember the GA DOT and County using trucks like this. I haven’t seen one in ages.

As some of you may know you can pretty much build a new Ford Flareside short bed from parts, but the log beds were (at least I think) taller and no one seems to make reproduction long bed parts...

I’m kind of thinking building the sides shouldn’t be too hard simply doing the reverse of what folks usually do to shorten a long bed. Guess I would have to make a longer bed wood and splice bed strips. Not sure how this would look if it wasn’t taller, but should be unique... Yes I realize unique and tasteful isn’t necessarily the same thing...yes, I know I’m a not sane.

What do y’all think this would look like regular step side height and blue...
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Re: Miscellaneous musings - Building a Longbed Flareside

Post by Canonman67 »

Have you checked here? http://www.mar-k.com/index.php They don't show sides but do show wood kits, front panels and tailgates.
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Re: Miscellaneous musings - Building a Longbed Flareside

Post by DuckRyder »

Good point.

The yellow one above is actually even longer than a regular longbed.

Should probably just use my existing bed, it is actually in better than average shape...
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Re: Miscellaneous musings - Building a Longbed Flareside

Post by Ranchero50 »

That's an interesting concept for getting away from rusted bed seams. Those beds were used for decades too so some should be laying in older yards in decent shape since they weren't too popular.

Member had a green one on here a couple years ago with a grain chute in the back left over from its farming days.
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Re: Miscellaneous musings - Building a Longbed Flareside

Post by geradr4 »

Sounds like a plan. I'm interested to see the outcome.
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Re: Miscellaneous musings - Building a Longbed Flareside

Post by Fordyarddog »

Hello DuckRyder. :wel: My name is Fordyarddog and I live in Powder Spring Georgia. I haven't been on this site since around Nov of last year. I decided to take a look and see what's going on and I saw your thread about building a long bed Flareside. You and I have a couple of things in common. Your from Atlanta and I from Powder Spring and we both are working on the same size Flareside looks like. I'm building a 68 F100 Ford 131 LWB Flareside truck like the yellow one you have pictured in your thread. Send me a private message and lets talk. See the attached pic of my truck below :thup: :thup: :thup:
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Re: Miscellaneous musings - Building a Longbed Flareside

Post by DuckRyder »

Hi FordYardDog,

I’m afraid I have given the wrong impression, I don’t actually have one of these!

I was thinking perhaps of making one for my long bed, but my bed is actually in pretty good shape so ultimately I probably will not end up doing it.

I think this would make a really cool truck though, the whole shortening beds thing is IMO well and truly overdone, flare sides at all seem comparatively rare and I haven’t seen one of these long bed flare sides in person in a lot of years.

It looks like you have a pretty good starting point there! We’d love to see a project thread on it!!!
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Re: Miscellaneous musings - Building a Longbed Flareside

Post by Fordyarddog »

Hello DuckRyder. :wel:

Good to hear from you. I hate it that you don't have one of these rare Flaresides.

Yes indeed the long bed Flareside is really rare. As I started mind is 131 inch WB which is a 8 foot bed. Even the short bed is rare also. I bought it February of 2010.

Granted in the pic it looks like it's in good condition. But it wasn't. The cab had a lot of rust. The doors had a lot of rust and damage and the wooden bed was gone and it had a 1/8 inch diamond plate bed floor.

I have already finished the cab, doors and front clip. All I have left to do is the frame and the engine. However the bed is another story.

The only thing you can buy is the tailgate and fenders and the wooden bed. The bedsides, head panel, rear box sill, Bedside extension panels and cross sections you cannot buy. You have to repair them or have them fabricated. I was able to have the bottom part of the head panel fabricated along with the bedside extension panels. I was able to repair the rear box sill however.

I can repair all the cross sections except the rear one that the head panel attaches to. I'll have to have it fabricated.

If you would like to see the truck I invite you to come out to Powder spring and see it. Let me know if you would like to and I will send you a private message with my cell number and address. :thup: :thup: :thup:
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