Well, I have been able to do a few things to the truck. I hope to have a rolling chasis by the end of the month. Here are some pictures of what I have been working on.
Re-painted the springs and added an extra leaf (hopefully I have put these back in the right place. I didn't pay any attention that the lengths were different from where the springs mount to the rear end.
I will be replacing the oil seal on both sides:
Goofed around and painted some of the brake parts (thankd MK (Mike) for the brake spreader:
Believe it or not, but this is the first complete drum brake job I have ever done:
I'll be posting more pictures soon. I have replaced both wheel bearings/races on the rear axles. I also bought some used tires I hope to have mounted this weekend.
I want to remind everyone that Rome, Georgia wasn't built in a day. Some projects take time...and money...and more time...and more money...I think you get it. For those of you who think your project is going to slow, hang in there.