Sorry about being MIA for awhile. Spent a three weeks in the woods cutting fire wood, for the family, the VFW and a few friends = a lot of fire wood.
The above was early on, when we had only gotten about 10 cords out of the mountains...we are now over 30, and have plans for another 20 in the fall. My Dodge was carrying a cord and a 1/3 out every trip. Coming out we had to negotiate 5 miles of 16% plus downhill grade on a goat track. Poor Ol' Dodge got worked pretty hard. (Most of the wood brought out was Red Fir, wood in the forefront of the picture is some Lodge Pole)
Then I ended up going in for a hip surgery so I am currently gimping around on crutches.
Today, I managed to shave enough off the transmission that I was able to shift the Transfercase out of 4L and now have 2H and 4H. So I took it for a quick test drive. I don't have a speedo cable yet...should be in i don't know what the break down of speed was for the gearing but it seemed fine. Seemed like i hit the governor pretty fast, so i maybe tuning the pump a little sooner then planned, or at least getting a 3000 or 3200 spring installed sooner rather then later.
Tomorrow if i get time, I plan on getting the new cable installed though i will be waiting on the gear, and a few more things wired like the temp gauge. Anyone know the values for the stock gauge? Also if possible i will get a video of "Frankin Ford" zooming on by.
Have a good day