Well guess its been long enough since my last post.... Guess I should give a breife update.
1). Got the bed off the truck and moved.
2). Got the cab and fenders back on, painted and cleaned up.
3). Got the body mounts on and the hood on.
4). Unfortunate set back.... The hood doesnt line up.
5). Got the bed off and striped the frame (ie. rear end, leaf springs, wires, lines)
6). Bumper wont come off, thought it was sturdy, the previous owner welded it on.
7). Started the tear down on the Ford 9" rear end.
Well I have been busy with school and work. So its been kinda hard to get time/remember to take pic's of it all. Ill have to load up some later and show the progress. Been hecktic here lately guys and gals and Ill have to get to it here soon.