New forum moderators coming!

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Moderator: FORDification

Racer Z

Re: New forum moderators coming!

Post by Racer Z »

Welcome Ranchero50. :)

My thoughts on the classifieds is to make them self cleaning. Once the OP is of a certain age, just have it automatically self delete. Maybe the exception would be unless it has current response activity. Say, like 14 days or so. If the item has not sold and the seller wants to re-list it, that would work for me.
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Re: New forum moderators coming!

Post by heep70 »

Thanks for letting me lose from the Mod position. It was fun while it lasted but I am just not into it any longer. Its time to get some new people a chance to help out at a higher level. This place still rocks and I will always be around.

1971 F250 "Highboy". SOLD to "Highboy_Firefighter_71"
2000 Subaru Outback limited.
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Re: New forum moderators coming!

Post by DuckRyder »

Racer Z wrote:My thoughts on the classifieds is to make them self cleaning. Once the OP is of a certain age, just have it automatically self delete. Maybe the exception would be unless it has current response activity. Say, like 14 days or so. If the item has not sold and the seller wants to re-list it, that would work for me.
I'm not sure we can do that with this software, IF we can I agree, and will go further and say that it would be great if ONLY the original poster could reply and if the time was 30 days.
heep70 wrote:This place still rocks and I will always be around.
Greg, thanks for all the hard work you put into the site over the years, I hope you won't be a stranger!
1972 F100 Ranger XLT (445/C6/9” 3.50 Truetrac)

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Re: New forum moderators coming!

Post by FORDification »

I agree...Greg, your service to the forums over the years has been greatly appreciated! :thup: Thank you! I hope you'll continue to be a participating member.

The forum software can be set up to auto-purge a specific forum after a period of age and/or inactivity...and in fact that's how the Classifieds are set up now. If a thread is over 90 days old AND hasn't been viewed in the past 90 days, it will be automatically purged from the database. Of course, I can remove the 'viewing' part, so that all threads will simply have a 90-day life, after which they'll be removed.
____| \__
-O-----O- Keith
'67 F-100 2WD SWB ~ '69 F-100 4WD SWB w/7" chop ~ 1975 F-250 Ranger XLT Supercab Camper Special
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Re: New forum moderators coming!

Post by Thunderfoot »

Heep, Thanks for your example for us Mods and all, hope you do keep stopping by and updating us on your cabin and such. :thup:
FORDification wrote: The forum software can be set up to auto-purge a specific forum after a period of age and/or inactivity...and in fact that's how the Classifieds are set up now. If a thread is over 90 days old AND hasn't been viewed in the past 90 days, it will be automatically purged from the database. Of course, I can remove the 'viewing' part, so that all threads will simply have a 90-day life, after which they'll be removed.
:thup: This is Great! :clap:
:hmm: Just curious, on the 'viewing part'; is it just logged in members that count or anyone viewing the topic??? as if it is just anyone viewing it I wouldn't use that as the search bots and people doing web searches and such could/would keep it active... I think as long as people bump the topic to keep it active in the 90 days it is good or it is easy to just re-list it if'n it expires... :2cents:
I'm not "Brand Loyal" Ford-Chevy-Dodge-Toyota I have them all, one even cross mixed...
If it Looks good and Works good then it's ok by me. Everything has its issues from time to time...

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Re: New forum moderators coming!

Post by fitzwell »

Congrats Jamie... :D
As a metter of fact, i AM trying to keep up with the Jones'
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Re: New forum moderators coming!

Post by towtruckerfour »

Congrats Jamie. I agree with 1971ford on averagef250 for the 4x4 section. Dustin definitely knows his stuff.
Why is it that the trucks are always the best running vehicles in the family?
Ford means "found on road daily"
70 F100 Custom-352 w/68 Highboy 4x4 frame. My play/project truck
70 F250 Explorer-390/C6 auto. My work truck
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Re: New forum moderators coming!

Post by FORDification »

We had some discussion on who the new moderator for the 4x4/Offroad forum should be, and and eventually offered the position to Doug Comer...and he's agreed to take over there. I've just completed getting him set up as such, and so he's the newest forum Mod. :thup:

Thanks for helping take this responsibility on, Doug! You're knowledge and experience made you a natural pick, and I'm sure the other members will agree. :D
____| \__
-O-----O- Keith
'67 F-100 2WD SWB ~ '69 F-100 4WD SWB w/7" chop ~ 1975 F-250 Ranger XLT Supercab Camper Special
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Re: New forum moderators coming!

Post by ezernut9mm »

sounds like you're putting together an A list team for us. thanks keith and thanks to all the current and past mods. you guys help keep this place as cool as it is.
wanting to buy a mercury tailgate!
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Racer Z

Re: New forum moderators coming!

Post by Racer Z »

Congrats Doug.
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Re: New forum moderators coming!

Post by FORDification »

We have another new Mod: :woohoo:

70_F100 (Richard) will be the new Mod for the Drivetrain section. With his qualifications and experience, I think he's the perfect candidate for this forum. :thup:

Thanks for stepping up to the plate here, Richard! Your assistance and expertise has been (and will be) greatly appreciated.
____| \__
-O-----O- Keith
'67 F-100 2WD SWB ~ '69 F-100 4WD SWB w/7" chop ~ 1975 F-250 Ranger XLT Supercab Camper Special
My '67 restoration video
-> Posting and you! <-a MUST watch for all!!
Racer Z

Re: New forum moderators coming!

Post by Racer Z »

Congrats 70_F100.
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Re: New forum moderators coming!

Post by crazyhorse »

Congratulations to all the top brass. :thup:
Hope I never cause you extra work. :pray:
This is a great place. :fr:
Thank you for allowing me on here. :woohoo:
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