Heep, Thanks for your example for us Mods and all, hope you do keep stopping by and updating us on your cabin and such.
FORDification wrote:
The forum software can be set up to auto-purge a specific forum after a period of age and/or inactivity...and in fact that's how the Classifieds are set up now. If a thread is over 90 days old AND hasn't been viewed in the past 90 days, it will be automatically purged from the database. Of course, I can remove the 'viewing' part, so that all threads will simply have a 90-day life, after which they'll be removed.

This is Great!

Just curious, on the 'viewing part'; is it just
logged in members that count or
anyone viewing the topic??? as if it is just anyone viewing it I wouldn't use that as the search bots and people doing web searches and such could/would keep it active... I think as long as people bump the topic to keep it active in the 90 days it is good or it is easy to just re-list it if'n it expires...