I never said the body swap is illegal. Swapping VIN plates IS illegal. If DMV doesn't know then no harm done. I swapped a door once before I new better and got pulled over and the first thing this cop did was check the VIN. I explained all of the details as my old door was bad and even showed him the recipt from the junkyard and he didn't care. ..wrote me a $500 ticket. I had to get an attorney (state assigned one) and get a vehicle inspection. Then go to DMV and get a state assigned VIN, send my old title to Salem and then go back to court just to have it thrown out. The lawyer said that they could've seized the vehicle at the time of the ticket.averagef250 wrote:
That's crazy talk. I should be in jail for life if a bump body swap is illegal. A VIN is a VIN, it's a stamped plate, a number, that's it.
I agree with keeping my mouth shut at the DMV. What they don't know doesn't hurt anybody. My point is that it can happen and just trying to save someone the same trouble that I had.