Water Outet Tree

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Re: Water Outet Tree

Post by JMcTurnan »

Ok I didn't mean secondaries yea, I know what those are but I wasn't thinking when I was typing. What I meant was some water outlets have screws on the top. And on some ones, they have a small tree. Sort of like your intake tree, this gives vacuum sort of like a carburetor. Whereas I cant use the intake because its not the right type of vacuum.
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Re: Water Outet Tree

Post by Redcap »

JMcTurnan wrote:Ok I didn't mean secondaries yea, I know what those are but I wasn't thinking when I was typing. What I meant was some water outlets have screws on the top. And on some ones, they have a small tree. Sort of like your intake tree, this gives vacuum sort of like a carburetor. Whereas I cant use the intake because its not the right type of vacuum.

Uh...I don't think you actually know what you are talking about.

Re: Water Outet Tree

Post by JMcTurnan »

I sort of do, thank you LOL. Ive seen one ever, but I cant seem to find another. Its like an intake tree, but it goes on your water outlet. And it puts out a suction almost like your carburetor. So if you carburetor does not have any vacuum ports for a vacuum advance distributor, these things give it. Ill look if I can find it.
Last edited by JMcTurnan on Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Water Outet Tree

Post by JMcTurnan »

Image, some look like this, but others are a bit larger.
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Re: Water Outet Tree

Post by 70_F100 »

:lolprev: Redcap is right, you have NO CLUE what you're talking about!!! :lolprev: Yet, you want to argue about it!!

That is nothing more than a vacuum switch. It is operated by the water temperature. These are emissions control devices which cause the engine controls to function differently when the engine is cold vs. when the engine is at normal operating temperature.

One port is connected to a vacuum source (carb or intake manifold). The other port is routed to the device you wish to control (vacuum advance, EGR, etc).

As the coolant warms up, it causes the switch mechanism inside the unit to move. When the coolant is cold, the switch is "closed" to prevent application of vacuum to the second port. Once the coolant reaches a pre-set temperature, the switch "opens" to allow vacuum to flow through the switch.

If you can find one that CREATES vacuum, you better guard it with your life, because you'll have the ONLY ONE IN CAPTIVITY!!!
Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools talk because they have to say something.--Plato
Why is it that there's seldom time to fix it right the first time, but there's always time to fix it right the second time???

That's not an oil leak :nono: That's SWEAT from all that HORSEPOWER!! :thup:

Re: Water Outet Tree

Post by JMcTurnan »

What I'm wondering is that I cant directly hook my vacuum advance to my intake right? Because wouldn't it mess it up at idle, just starting. So what I am asking, how would I hook up a vacuum advance correctly without a ported carburetor.

Re: Water Outet Tree

Post by JMcTurnan »

And for your information, I'm not arguing, I'm just trying to figure out what I need too. But what I notice, it seems any comment I ever make you always make rude comments to me, I never say anything mean to you. So try not to be so mean, lighten up a bit, remember what goes around comes around. I'm trying to learn the best I can on engines, and well so far I've learned alot, not everything. But just keep your snobby comments to yourself.
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Re: Water Outet Tree

Post by 70_F100 »

Ported vacuum is vacuum that increases with engine speed, due to the location of the source on the carb.

The more you open the throttle, the higher the vacuum (up to preset limits).

Intake manifold vacuum is maximum at idle and deceleration.

To the best of my knowledge, and I could be wrong (but I don't think so, in this case), you're fighting a losing battle.

Use a distributor with full mechanical advance and forget the vacuum, 'cause "you ain't got none"... :bdh:
Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools talk because they have to say something.--Plato
Why is it that there's seldom time to fix it right the first time, but there's always time to fix it right the second time???

That's not an oil leak :nono: That's SWEAT from all that HORSEPOWER!! :thup:

Re: Water Outet Tree

Post by JMcTurnan »

I mean as of now I do, but I was thinking of putting a kit in my old holley so I was just wondering but thanks, you answered my question.

Re: Water Outet Tree

Post by JMcTurnan »

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Re: Water Outet Tree

Post by fordman »

heres the post i was refering to earlier. it shows how these can be routed to a dual vacuum advance dist. like was already posted you can change the vacuum advance thing on the dist to a single one. or just not hook up the second port at all and run with only the one hooked up. http://www.fordification.com/forum/view ... 45#p176745

Re: Water Outet Tree

Post by JMcTurnan »

I have a single vacuum advanced, its not dual.

Re: Water Outet Tree

Post by JMcTurnan »

I have a single vacuum advanced, its not dual.
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Re: Water Outet Tree

Post by fordman »

so the carb has no ports on it at all for the dist to hook to?

Re: Water Outet Tree

Post by JMcTurnan »

Yes, it wasn't originally made for a vacuum advance dizzy. Because it was the original carb and dizzy in there, but old diz broke.
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