Let's see. Where to begin?
Well the motor is a resealed 360 FE with cleaned headers and I guess we can start by listing the various problems:
1. Starting
To say that starting is poor is an understatement. Approximately 9 out of 10 turns of the key will fail to turn the engine, on a good day, only producing a weak whiring noise. On those nine out of ten times, nothing spins. The fan and pulleys may spin briefly then stop, whiring noise continues while key is in the ignition position, but regardless of how long it's trying to turn nothing moves. The only way to remedy the problem is to listen closely and tell the difference between when it's catching and when it isn't; when it only whirs I move the key back to the on position and try again. Eventually it will catch and start. I've drained my battery doing this before.
Hypothesis: Starter? Solenoid?
2. Idling/Going/Dying
Sometimes the truck will crap out on the road, either while idling at a red light or immediately after trying to go after a idling for a long time. Occasionally detonation occurs when trying to go, where the truck will try to die and I push the pedal to the floor while loud, tremendous clunking noises occur. Generally it powers through it, but there have been several times where it has died in the middle of an intersection. And, due to problem 1, I risk draining my battery trying to get it started again. As a rule, if the throttle is open to some degree, or the truck has been run at speed for a while or got use the day before, it will not die. One way I avoid this is if I sense the idle is weak at a red light, I will put the truck in park and play with the gas pedal, it does not die when I do this.
Also, while off-roading this garbage-mobile there were times when it died after hitting heavy bumps.
Hypothesis: I would think this has to do with the idle screw being set too low, but I doubt it because if the truck has been run the idle can be felt throughout the vehicle and sounds quite healthy. I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with problem 3.
3. Carb Barfing Gas
I don't know much about carburetors, but the carb leaks gas out onto the intake manifold. It leaks from what i think to be the accelerator pump. The leaky thingy has an arm on it that moves when you pump the gas. I believe there may be a diaphragm of some kind in there?
Hypothesis: ???
4. Immense Squealing Noise When Truck First Begins Moving
After I manage to get the truck started and and warm it up for a little bit and get it moving there's a loud monotonous squealing noise. I am unsure of the source and it stops after the truck has been driven for a while, the noise halts especially if the truck is driven at high speed for a while. I have absolutely no idea what this could be.
There's also a slew of transmission problems, but those belong in a different forum. Any ideas guys? I'm fairly mechanically inclined, but it would be appreciated if you could dumb it down as much as possible.