Thunderfoot, here ya go...
The mill has a really basic preview function so you can see if the G code is really whacked out. This is the drill cycle;
This shot shows the mill cycle in yellow for each part after the drill cycle. The blue dotted lines are rapid moves. Each cut starts at the top left and goes clockwise around the part then exits with a radius away from the part.
Some peices of MDF wafer board just wating to get milled. Much easier to work with vs aluminum.
Tuning in the program
Chicken scratch... Lots of lined out mistakes. The diagram next to the part shows the plot points for the cuts. I had to move my X axis around a bit to get the machine work on the part where I wanted it (less waste)
More chicken scratch showing the basic part.
Work in progress... Took a good many chunks to tune it in and added a couple more cuts so I wasn't taking all it it off in one pass.
Now that I have the program where I want it I'll mill out a bunch of prototype parts so I can do the other step and have enough to cover the mistakes. That's tomorrows problems.