My grand daughters and I are going to change out the grill and fender from the F100 to the 3/4 ton this weekend. Your site is loaded with info that will help us. I learned a bunch with my initial reading and look forward to finishing off the old Ford Pickup. It has 86,000 original miles on it and runs like a top. I'm planning on using it to pull my 22 foot camper to the woods this summer.
I live on a hillside with a gravel road coming into the house and was never able to get my camper up to the house with the little 2 wheel drive pickup, it would just spin out. I always had to borrow a friends four wheel drive to get it parked at the house and now I'll be able to pull it into my driveway.
Here's a couple of pix of the part of Idaho I live in. It's four wheel drive country for sure. Most of my running around is done with a little Suzuki Samari that gets pretty good gas mileage in this day and age.
I like to hunt and fish and especially like to call coyotes and varmint hunt. I try to spend as much time in these beautiful woods as I can and love to take pictures.
Here's my old Ford F100 buried under the snow this winter.

This is the Clearwater River Canyon and I live about two miles from where this was taken.

I'm looking forward to finding out more about my old truck on this fine forum.