I have been trying to comeup with a paint shceme for my 67 for awhile now. I know I want to two-tone like the one pictured here but different colors. I am thinking about attempting a "ghost effect" two-tone. I am thinking candy apple red but a little darker like maroon. My thought is to paint the entire truck silver. Then top and bottom a charcoal and then spray the candy color over the entire truck. I was thinking of doing just racing stripes but those are overdone in my opinion. Anyway here are a few pics of what I am talking about. It will be a long time before I am ready to paint but thought I would see what you guys think. If there is any photoshop guru's out there that can do a candy paint please let me know.
The base silver and the darker stripes. I would like to use the darker color to replace the blue and silver in place of the white in the last picture.
Here if you look hard enough you can see the stripes on the hood.
This is the paint scheme I want. With the entire truck being silver. replacing the blue with a darker silver/charcoal, and then candy red over everything.
What you guys think? I realize it has been 10-12 years since I have painted and never anything this involved but hey got to try it sometime right? [/img]