Hey kid when is the last time you have been through St.George? It is one of the top 3 fastest growing comunities in America.
You should see it know. I moved up to Springville about 19 months ago and at the time housing was nuts. I sold my house
that I paid $114,000.00 , for $200,000.00 We lived there just over three years. But if I would have waited another 5 to 10 months
I would have make another $60,000.00 on it. Oh well.
Have you been through Springville, Provo, Orem or Salt Lake? It is pretty much one big town now. We just put the house up for
sale to move back to the small town.
About the MNG in AZ. It is a possibility. It's a good 500 miles away. To bad it isn't one weekend sooner. I will be in St.george for a wedding.
Its on friday morning. Darn it.
Well see though it would be nice to go see your truck. Mine will stay home for sure. Unless I come across a fuel spring (like spring water)
between now and then.